
Nutzen sie die langjährig profes­sio­nel­le Expertise von REMCI Finance


Take advantage of the longstanding professional expertise of REMCI Finance



Commercial liability
Property and building
Legal protection



Corporate loan
Real estate financing
Green Finance

Real estate

To buy
To sell
To rent


National- and
accounting and


Commercial liability
Commercial liability

Public liability
Pecuniary loss liability


Property- & building
Business content
Electronics / Cyber

Legal protection
Legal protection

Criminal justice protection
Commercial legal protection
Manager legal protection


Retirement provision
Health insurance


Protects …

Protects …

you from the financial consequences of professional liability, your assets from outside influences, your company from financial risks in legal disputes and your employees

… you from the financial consequences of
professional liability
… your assets from outside influences
… protect your company from financial risks
… your employees

We offer individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

We offer individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

Commercial liability insurances

Who needs public liability insurance?
Every entrepreneur, regardless of the branch, should have a BHV. This applies to retail, office operations and the hotel industry, for example. Professional liability insurance should be taken out by all professional groups that can cause financial or physical damage to third parties with their work.

What does business liability insurance cover?
Public liability covers damage to third parties. This includes personal, property and financial losses. Anyone who intentionally or negligently violates the life, body, health, freedom, property or any other right of another person is obliged to compensate the other person for the resulting damage.

Who needs financial loss liability?
The type of professional liability insurance makes sense especially for the self-employed, consultants or intermediaries. It is required by law for lawyers, tax consultants, auditors and notaries.

Why do you need property damage liability insurance?
For the self-employed, notaries, tax consultants and auditors, asset liability makes sense because they advise customers at their own risk. If a mistake should be made during the consultation, you are financially covered.

Why are these referred to as real financial losses?
Real property damage is a purely financial damage that is neither personal nor property damage.

Who does a D&O insurance cover?
D&O insurance protects managing directors, board members and managers, as they are liable with their private assets in the event of damage. The insurance protects managers from claims by third parties and the company.

What does D&O insurance cover?
The D&O pays for internal liability, for example a wrong decision by the managing director about technical devices. It also covers external liability if a loan cannot be repaid due to mismanagement, for example.

What kind of insurance does a club need?
Every club should have club liability insurance to protect itself against claims by third parties. Members and the board of directors of the association are protected.

What does club liability insurance cover?
The insurance covers property damage, personal injury and financial loss in connection with club life. This includes events and club meetings.

Are voluntary members also insured?
Voluntary helpers also fall under the protection of club liability.

What does the organizer liability cover?
The organizer’s liability insurance covers the damage that can occur at an event. Personal, property and financial losses are partially insured.

What is event organizer liability?
You are liable for damage to third parties at an event. You are also liable if the company you hired causes damage to third parties. In order to protect yourself financially against damage claims, you can take out an organizer’s liability insurance.

When do you need drone insurance?
Anyone who wants to fly a drone needs drone liability insurance.

Which drones are subject to insurance?
In Germany, all quadrocopters and hexacopters are subject to insurance. So you are obliged to take out drone liability insurance.

How high can a drone fly?
You can send the drone up to 100 meters high. It should also be noted that you are not allowed to fly drones within a minimum distance of 1.5 km from an airport fence.

Property and building damage insurance

Why do you need building insurance?
Just like the residential building, the business premises are also threatened with damage, including complete destruction by fire, tap water and the forces of nature.

Who needs home insurance?
Important for all companies whose company buildings are owned by the company and for owners of rented company buildings.

What does building insurance cover?
This insurance covers damage caused by fire (fire, lightning strike, explosion), tap water (broken pipe, frost damage to pipes), storm / hail and extended damage caused by natural forces (flood, snow pressure, backwater).

Why do you need business content insurance?
Fire, robbery and the forces of nature can destroy the factory equipment or inventory and thus significantly disrupt operations or even bring them to a standstill.

What does the business content insurance cover?
Movable items at the place of insurance, technical and commercial equipment, finished and semi-finished products as well as raw materials and tools.

What is insurable?
Fire, tap water, storm / hail, burglary / vandalism, flood and other natural disasters.

Who Needs Cyber Insurance?
Especially companies that work with sensitive data should have cyber insurance. The size of the company does not matter.

What does cyber insurance cover?
With cyber insurance you can protect yourself against the various areas of internet crime, such as hacker attacks and data theft.

What costs does cyber insurance cover?
The insurance pays costs for IT forensics, legal advice, information costs, credit monitoring services, costs for crisis management, costs for PR advice, business interruption damage, contractual penalties (PCI), ransom payments, recovery costs and security improvements.

What is technical insurance?
This insurance covers technical risks such as a machine breakdown or photovoltaic systems. Electronics insurance is also included.

What is covered by the technical insurance?
It covers operating errors, clumsiness, machine breakdown and product defects are just a few examples of the scope of coverage of a special technical insurance policy.

Why do you need machine business interruption insurance?
The financial consequences of the failure of a machine (downtime) can be covered in machine business interruption insurance.

What is insured?
Operating errors, machine breakdowns and product defects are just a few examples of the scope of coverage of a special machine insurance policy.

Why do you need transport insurance?
Goods are at risk of being damaged or lost on the transport routes. Furthermore, high-quality goods, such as entertainment electronics, computers or textiles, often lead to theft. Transport insurance reduces financial risks here.

What is insured with the transport insurance?
Repair or replacement costs as well as the contribution to the major average are insured. Damage avoidance, damage mitigation, damage assessment costs, costs of determining and determining the insured damage as well as costs by a third party commissioned for these purposes are also covered.

Legal protection

Why do you need an industrial property insurance?
In the commercial sector, legal disputes can quickly arise, e.g. disputes with an employee, violations of the data protection law and violations of the StVO, to name just a few examples. In the event of a legal dispute, the plaintiff or defendant often faces high costs.

What does the protection of industrial property rights cover?
It covers the costs of the lawyer according to the Lawyers’ Remuneration Act, court costs including compensation for witnesses and experts and costs of the opposing party, insofar as these are to be borne by the insured person.

Why do you need a manager’s legal protection insurance?
Company managers are usually personally liable for damage that they cause to the company for which they work through wrong decisions or omissions. The financial loss legal protection assumes the costs that arise in defending yourself against these claims for damages – regardless of whether you see no fault at all or just take a different view of the amount of damage.

What’s covered?
All costs that a possible legal dispute might cause are covered.

What does club legal protection insurance cover?
The association itself, its legal representatives, its employees and also individual association members who are the focus of legal disputes in the context of their association activities are insured.

Is club legal protection important for a club?
In addition to liability and accident insurance for the club, club legal protection is one of the most important insurances.

What is Extended Protection?
Extended criminal law protection is understood to be a supplement to the existing legal protection. This also covers negligent or intentional offenses such as the accusation of fraud, for example.

What does the criminal justice cover?
The insurance pays legal, court or travel expenses. The criminal legal protection covers, among other things, legal, procedural, travel and interpreting costs and prevents the high personal financial risks of criminal prosecution.

Employer benefits

What is company pension scheme?
The company pension scheme is an additional financial benefit from the employer to the employee. In addition to statutory provision and private provision, company pension schemes form a third pillar of old-age provision.

Who pays the company pension?
Every employee is entitled to deferred compensation. With this, the employer pays part of the salary into the old-age provision, whereby the employee waives this part of the salary.

What do you need company health insurance for?
The workforce is getting older on average. As sickness-related downtime increases with age, this leads to a significant loss of productivity and an increase in sickness-related costs.

What are the advantages of company health insurance?
With a company health insurance, you can ensure that the downtimes in your company decrease again and with the additional insurance cover you offer the employees added value.

Is company health insurance tax deductible?
You can have the insurance deducted from tax using the special expense allowance.

further insurance

A company accident insurance policy provides insurance coverage for employees in the event of accidents through the employer.

Protects you as an entrepreneur against claims of discrimination under AGG.

Water damage liability insurance provides comprehensive coverage for environmental damage and protects you from the risks associated with operating an oil tank.

D & 0 Insurance provides insurance cover in the event that you or another insured person are held liable to pay compensation for a financial loss (neither personal injury nor property damage) that is related to the respective insured activity

If the operation of a company or a practice can no longer be maintained in whole or in part due to property damage (fire, tap water, etc.) or due to the owner’s illness, in the worst case the business operation is completely idle. The consequences for the business are considerable financial effects due to loss of profit, as fixed costs such as rent and ancillary costs as well as wages and salaries must continue to be paid. Customer churn and competitive disadvantages can also be the result.

If the operation of a company or a practice can no longer be maintained in whole or in part due to property damage (fire, tap water, etc.) or due to the owner’s illness, in the worst case the business operation is completely idle. The consequences for the business are considerable financial effects due to loss of profit, as fixed costs such as rent and ancillary costs as well as wages and salaries must continue to be paid. Customer churn and competitive disadvantages can also be the result.

Transport insurance is suitable for all trading and production companies that ship or receive goods nationally or internationally and wish to insure themselves against the risks of transport as well as the associated storage. The insurance covers the goods specified in the contract during the transport and the associated storage as well as other storage as well as other expenses and costs.

Transport liability insurance is useful for anyone who transports goods nationally or or internationally as a freight carrier. Anyone who uses vehicles or combinations with a total weight of more than 3.5 t. total weight, it is even a legally required insurance. It protects the carrier against financial claims of the client and replaces and compensates for justified claims or rejects unjustified claims – if necessary. unjustified claims – even in court if necessary.

For trading and production companies that operate own-account transport within the meaning of the Road Haulage Act (Güterkraftverkehrsgesetz – GüKG) as well as for tradesmen of all kinds (such as electricians, heating and plumbing fitters, scaffolders, etc.). An own-account transport insurance exclusively refers to transports for own purposes of own goods with own vehicles or leasing vehicles and own personnel or temporary workers as an auxiliary activity.

This insurance covers the insured musical instrument against loss, destruction or damage.

Offers insurance coverage for paintings, photographs, collections, sculptures, and parts of furs and jewelry.

Trade credit insurance (WKV) covers the economic risk of the company as a result of a default on receivables from the delivery of goods, work or services. The loss of receivables must be caused by the insolvency of the customer.

Bad debt insurance is a form of credit insurance. Here, companies insure themselves against the risk of a customer defaulting on payment. For example, that the invoice for a product already delivered or a service performed can not settle.

White-collar crime represents a risk for every company. Fidelity insurance offers an ideal ideal supplement to the company’s security and control control measures. Companies are insured against financial losses caused by offenses such as embezzlement, fraud, breach of trust or forgery of documents. arise.

Especially recommended in the food industry, as the insurance replaces fixed costs and lost profits in the event of business closure.

Vehicles used on a business trip are insured, as you as the employer must generally compensate for accident damage to the employee’s vehicle if it was used with your consent. You are not exempt from this obligation by paying the mileage allowance.

Milk insurance provides compensation for the unforeseen destruction, damage, loss, loss or spoilage of the milk produced

Insures instruments or even those of the entire band including accessories. Also for recording and live technology, mixers, decks and sound carriers there is protection.

Forest insurance offers forest owners insurance coverage for various risks, such as forest fire, storm or even an accident involving walkers.

With a guarantee and deposit insurance you have an interesting alternative to a guarantee loan from your house bank. You increase your liquidity, relieve your credit line at the bank and thus create additional financial leeway.

The insurance that insures damage to the system or individual components of the photovoltaic system. Possible examples of damage are fire, fire or overvoltage.

Organizer legal protection supplements the insurance cover of an organizer’s liability. This applies to contractual disputes, criminal prosecution, copyright disputes, social law disputes, tax disputes and much more.




… for trade, real estate, entrepreneurs, startups.

… for trade, real estate, entrepreneurs, startups.

We offer individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

We offer individual insurance concepts and financial guarantees that we have developed together with our international partners.

Corporate loan
Corporate loan


Leasing / Factoring
Leasing / Factoring
Leasing / Factoring

Company fleets

Real estate financ.
Real estate financing
Real estate financing

Office buildings
Production facilities
Commercial real estate

Green Finance
Green Finance
Green Finance

Sustainable products
Sustainable services


Corporate loan

A corporate loan is a loan that is given by the lender to a company or self-employed. They can be used for investments or property, plant and equipment.

Funding includes KfW corporate loans, Bafa, a European finance fund and state funding.

The borrowed capital can be used, for example, for the procurement of operating resources, spending software and licenses or company vehicles.

Leasing und Factoring

Leasing is a special form of renting or letting in which the producer himself or a special company acts as the lessor. In factoring, receivables are purchased and the company is provided with liquidity in return. Source reference !?

Factoring and leasing are particularly suitable for small and medium-sized companies, as the amount of financial reserves is often low and there is a need for liquidity.

The advantages of leasing are, for example, planning security, the lessor will assume the repair costs and the provision of current leased goods. Disadvantages are, for example, return problems or early termination of the contract.

Advantages of factoring are, for example, increased liquidity and risk protection. Disadvantages of factoring are the costs incurred through interest, fees and a possibly negative influence on customer loyalty.

The machine is not bought, but only leased / rented for a certain period of time. The liquidity burden for the company is significantly lower as a result of leasing compared to a purchase.

By selling receivables, the company has more liquidity at its disposal and long payment terms for customers are avoided.

Real estate financing

Commercial real estate financing is suitable for entrepreneurs who want to use the property themselves or who want to rent it out to third parties.

The financing can mean the construction of a company property or the investment in a property as an extension of the portfolio.

As a rule, production facilities, office complexes and warehouses are financed. Normally, up to 60% -70% of the costs are financed through a loan. The remaining funds can be presented as mezzanine capital or investment financing if required.

Green Finance

Green finance is the umbrella term for environmentally friendly and socially responsible investing. Green finance supports environmentally friendly services and products.

Important requirements for green finance are transparency, compliance with green guidelines, financing of sustainable products and services.

Green finance is suitable for climate-oriented and innovative companies.

Real estate

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To buy

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To rent

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Your team of experts

Your team of experts

… in the real estate sector

… in the real estate sector

With the all-round service from free market value assessment to the processing of the purchase contract.

As a real estate agent according to §34d GewO, we are also happy to be at your disposal as a competent contact person for the sale, rental or acquisition of real estate.

Due to our network and our business partners, we are able to operate almost nationwide.

In particular, we have access to off-market objects.

With the all-round service from free market value assessment to the processing of the purchase contract.

As a real estate agent according to §34d GewO, we are also happy to be at your disposal as a competent contact person for the sale, rental or acquisition of real estate.

Due to our network and our business partners, we are able to operate almost nationwide.

In particular, we have access to off-market objects.

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Wir beraten Sie zu Kapital / Risiko­management, Finanzwesen und Management.

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» Risikomanagement
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